Thursday, September 24, 2009

The problems wih Contemporary Christianity: Part 2

Removing Christ from Christianity

Let’s start this second part by putting Scripture with each of the problems we listed in part one. Remember we are right only if we are saying what the Word of God says. Always make sure you search the Scripture on all teaching you hear.

o Acts 17:11
Problem #1 ~ No Christ; No Christianity:
John 15:5 ~ Christ says without him we could do nothing.
o Ephesians 1:20-23 ~ Christ is at the Father’s right hand and is the head of the church.
o Ephesians 4:11-15 ~ The ministry gifts were given by God ( Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist,
Pastor/Teacher) for the purpose of growing the body around its head; The Christ
o What Contemporary Christianity has done is made man the center of everything and as a result
we are left with a church lacking the power Christ has said we should have!
o Colossians 2:8-10 ~ again Christ is the head and we are complete in Him!
o Matthew 16:15-18 ~ Christ says he will build His church and hell would not prevail; we are
building our churches and hell is prevailing.
These are but a few of the Scriptures which suggest for us that Christ is not a part of Christianity; without Christ there is no Christianity!
Until we remove man from the center of Christianity and put Christ back in his rightful place the church will continue to struggle in her effectiveness.
Let’s point out a few things which suggest man has in effect exalted himself to the throne and in doing so attempt to remove Christ from Christianity
1. Everything in Contemporary Christianity is designed to please man!
2. Our worship service in Contemporary Christianity is designed to please man; from the music that is played to how long we worship.
3. Have you noticed how a lot of the songs in Contemporary Christianity do not mention the name “Jesus?” If no one told you it was a “gospel” song you would not know it when you listen to it!
4. A word to anyone reading this blog and you are a gospel artist: IF YOUR “GOSPEL” SONG IS PLAYED ON SECULAR RADIO YOU ARE NOT GIVING GLORY TO GOD!
5. True worship to God is not a two hour affair as we have made it. Service starts at eleven and we come at twelve and will pitch a fit if service is not out by one! God has given us six days in the week and all he asks for is one, that is one day, not a couple of hours!
6. The music that is played should bring glory to God and not necessarily entertain! In worship we tell God how:
o Awesome he is
o Worthy he is
o Loving he is
o There is no one like Him
o We magnify His name
o We exalt Him
o Merciful he is
o Gracious he is
It is impossible to do this if we are singing songs that do not even mention his name!
7. True worship involves all that are present; we do not sit and watch a choir entertain and then clap for
them after they sing ( that’s giving the choir praise)
o We all sing
o We all praise
o We all lift holy hands
o Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Psalm 150:6

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tradition has us so messed up.