Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Prioritizing God

Prioritizing God

Most Christians would agree that God should occupy first place in our lives; but does he really? A short survey would quickly conclude that even “Christians” have allowed other things\people to occupy first place in their lives. Let’s look at the list:

1. Self

2. Mate (Husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, significant other)

3. Children

4. Job

5. House

6. Car

7. Stuff

8. Church

9. Church folk

10. The pastor

11. What people think (especially non Christians)

12. Other________(You fill in the blank) be truthful; this is the only way you can be set free!

While all of the things on the list have their place in our lives, God alone should occupy first place in our lives. Let’s allow God’s word to prove the point:

o Isaiah 8:12-14 ~ Fear God only

o Exodus 20:3 ~ The first commandment

o Matthew 22:37-38 ~ Of all 613 commandments listed by Jewish leaders from the law of Moses, Jesus identified “the first and great commandment

A lot of Christians will think they are safe because Satan is not first on their list “any one or thing other than Satan is ok” right? Wrong! Satan’s take on the subject, because he knows how God views it is this: “Anything or anyone other than God as the primary object of our love will suffice for Satan.” He does not need to be first as long as God is not!

Let’s look at some Scriptural examples of putting God first:

o Joshua 24:14-15 ~ the people said, as a group, they would put God first. Their actions (putting away the false gods) would be proof of their commitment to put God first.

o Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 ~ Solomon, a man who had it all, says this is the whole duty of man

o Matthew 10:37-39 ~ Look at what Christ has to say on the subject

o 2 Timothy 4:6-8 ~ the apostle Paul talks about a lifetime of putting God first after his conversion.

o John 15:4-8 ~ putting God first is how we get what we need from God (not name it and claim it)

Is committing to anything a foreign concept for us? Look at some of the things we do in life that say we are committed to what we want to be committed to:

o We take out a 30 year mortgage on a house. We signed many papers assuring that we realize the commitment we have made.

o We go to work for an employer and a commitment is involved. We are going to be there on time, ready to work the committed hours. We are going to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay.

o We marry someone ~ a lifelong commitment. We are going to love one another, labor together, trust and honor one another, “until death do us part.”

Why not being committed to God (especially since being committed to God will enable us to keep the other commitments) John 15:5

Finally: There is no commitment without sacrifice!

o God’s commitment to us was displayed in the sacrifice of his son! John 3:16

o Our commitment should be displayed by our willingness to sacrifice! Romans 12:1-2

o Our worship services need to center on God, not entertainment! Psalm 150:1-6

o When the best part of our worship service is the dismissal prayer, it's like NASA “we have a problem.”

Prayer: Eternal God our heavenly father, again we come to you with praise on our lips

because you are worthy. I pray we understand the importance of putting you first in our lives

No one else can occupy that position, no one else is worthy! I pray that Christians re-prioritize

our lives and put you in your rightful place; first in our lives! I pray that any non-Christian

who does this study, and all that follow, will realize they need you. In Christ's magnificent

name we pray, amen!

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