Let us look at an Old Testament passage that illustrates what God is looking for from his under shepherds. Look at the passage below and we will point out the problems God had with the men in question.
o Ezekiel 34:1-6 ~ now let’s examine what God pointed out as problems
1. Instead of looking out for the flock these shepherds looked out only for themselves.
2. Instead of feeding the flock these shepherds fed on the flock.
3. There was no care or concern for the poor, elderly, sick, and widows.
4. There was no concern for sheep that were lost.
5. They did not care what happened to the people as long as they, as leaders, had all their own personal needs met.
6. They were harsh and brutal in their rule.
o 1 Peter 5:1-4 ~ how the man of God is to lead.
o 1Timothy 3:1-7 ~ the Biblical qualifications for the man of God.
Some things I think we should note:
o Nowhere in these passages does the text say the man/woman of God should be perfect. If that were the case we would have no men/women of God!
o It is clear from these passages that there is a standard of conduct God is looking for from his leaders.
o If men/women were not able to attain these standards; why would God leave them for us?
o As a member you should make sure your leaders fit the Biblical profile, not your own personal profile.
o Ezekiel 34:1-6
Problem #1 ~ God said the shepherds were more concerned with themselves than the people.
The life of a servant is one of sacrifice: the people of God that the man of God has been placed into his watch care should command his utmost attention. Matthew 20:25-28~Christ, the man of God’s example said he came to minister (serve) not to be ministered to (to be served)
Today: People are taught to cater to the pastor; it should be the reverse!
Problem#2 ~ Instead of feeding the flock God said the shepherds were feeding on the flock.
In the Acts 20:28 passage the Apostle Paul told the elders at Ephesus to “feed the church which God had purchased with his own blood” The man/woman of God’s primary objective is to feed (teach) the church not to be fed (get rich) off the church.
Today: While the Scriptures make it clear those who labor in the Word should be supported for their efforts; Nothing in the Word says they should live extravagantly especially while members are left to fend for themselves.
Problem #3 ~ there was no care or concern for the poor, elderly, and the widows.
James says pure and undefiled religion before God is the very things we are not doing: James 1:27
Look what Christ said which is striking when compared to what we see today: Matthew 25:37-45
The primary purpose for using the shepherd/sheep analogy is because sheep need a shepherd; one who will feed them, look out for them, and care for them. The sheep cannot do these things on their own.
Today: Men/women of God need to shrink back from the celebrity status they have acquired and seek the role of a servant God said we are.
Problem #4 ~ God said there was no concern for those who are lost.
Please notice these sheep are lost among the herd! How many people are lost who go to church every Sunday because the shepherds are concerned only with self? The great commission says we are to go!
Matthew 28:19-20. If we are to seek those on the outside then we certainly cannot allow them to be lost once they have been brought into the fold!
Today: We need to foster a relationship that David said he had with the Lord: Psalm 23
The shepherd today needs lead, comfort, feed, and protect them that God has placed in their care!
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