Thursday, September 24, 2009

The problems wih Contemporary Christianity: Part 2

Removing Christ from Christianity

Let’s start this second part by putting Scripture with each of the problems we listed in part one. Remember we are right only if we are saying what the Word of God says. Always make sure you search the Scripture on all teaching you hear.

o Acts 17:11
Problem #1 ~ No Christ; No Christianity:
John 15:5 ~ Christ says without him we could do nothing.
o Ephesians 1:20-23 ~ Christ is at the Father’s right hand and is the head of the church.
o Ephesians 4:11-15 ~ The ministry gifts were given by God ( Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist,
Pastor/Teacher) for the purpose of growing the body around its head; The Christ
o What Contemporary Christianity has done is made man the center of everything and as a result
we are left with a church lacking the power Christ has said we should have!
o Colossians 2:8-10 ~ again Christ is the head and we are complete in Him!
o Matthew 16:15-18 ~ Christ says he will build His church and hell would not prevail; we are
building our churches and hell is prevailing.
These are but a few of the Scriptures which suggest for us that Christ is not a part of Christianity; without Christ there is no Christianity!
Until we remove man from the center of Christianity and put Christ back in his rightful place the church will continue to struggle in her effectiveness.
Let’s point out a few things which suggest man has in effect exalted himself to the throne and in doing so attempt to remove Christ from Christianity
1. Everything in Contemporary Christianity is designed to please man!
2. Our worship service in Contemporary Christianity is designed to please man; from the music that is played to how long we worship.
3. Have you noticed how a lot of the songs in Contemporary Christianity do not mention the name “Jesus?” If no one told you it was a “gospel” song you would not know it when you listen to it!
4. A word to anyone reading this blog and you are a gospel artist: IF YOUR “GOSPEL” SONG IS PLAYED ON SECULAR RADIO YOU ARE NOT GIVING GLORY TO GOD!
5. True worship to God is not a two hour affair as we have made it. Service starts at eleven and we come at twelve and will pitch a fit if service is not out by one! God has given us six days in the week and all he asks for is one, that is one day, not a couple of hours!
6. The music that is played should bring glory to God and not necessarily entertain! In worship we tell God how:
o Awesome he is
o Worthy he is
o Loving he is
o There is no one like Him
o We magnify His name
o We exalt Him
o Merciful he is
o Gracious he is
It is impossible to do this if we are singing songs that do not even mention his name!
7. True worship involves all that are present; we do not sit and watch a choir entertain and then clap for
them after they sing ( that’s giving the choir praise)
o We all sing
o We all praise
o We all lift holy hands
o Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Psalm 150:6

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The problems with Contemporary Christianity: Part 1

Removing Christ from Christianity

This is another one of those pieces which is going to cause some problems but the subject must be dealt with. “Contemporary Christianity” is so popular that some might dismiss the subject as antagonistic.

Again I challenge you to search the Scripture not only on this piece but everything we deal with on this blog! If the Holy Spirit does not convict you on the study then disregard it. However if the Holy Spirit does convict you then it is obvious some changes must be made.

The first thing we need to do is define “Contemporary Christianity.”

Contemporary = con·tem·po·rar·y ~ Adjective:

1. Belonging to the same period of time: a fact documented by two contemporary sources.

2. Of about the same age.

3. Current; modern: contemporary trends in design. (American Heritage Dictionary)

Christianity = the word means to be “like Christ.”

So then “Contemporary Christianity” is the constant modification of New Testament doctrine to:

o Attract the unsaved.

o Please the carnal Christians.

o Please the flesh.

o To be relatively acceptable to the world.

It must be our full intention to be the worshippers God is seeking – those who worship in spirit and in truth:

o John 4:22-24

With this definition let’s examine some of the problems with “Contemporary Christianity”, using the Bible as the basis for what we deem right or wrong. Remember everything must be based on what the Holy Spirit reveals to you in your study of God’s word, not what I or any other preacher might say to you!

Problem #1~ without the Christ you have no Christianity; “Contemporary Christianity” in a very subtle manner tries to remove Christ while God has made Christ the center of everything!

Problem #2 ~ Christians bragging about the love of Jesus with little regard for doctrinal integrity or holiness.

Problem #3 ~ Christians exalting feelings over faith as their criterion for both doctrine and practice in life.

Problem #4 ~ Contemporary Christianity seeks to please man rather than pleasing God!

Problem #5 ~ Christians revolting against strong Bible preaching and condemning it as arrogant and negative.

Problem #5 ~ Contemporary Christianity has caused our churches to become entertainment centers rather than place where miracles happen, lives can be saved, people can be encouraged, and God can be glorified!

Problem #6 ~ Contemporary Christianity has caused the church to focus on the wrong kind of growth: A church can grow one of two ways:

1. Growth in numbers

2. Growth spiritually

Because you have number one does not follow that you will have number two.

Problem #7 ~ Contemporary Christianity has made celebrities out of our ministers; and what a contradiction since the word “minister” comes from a word meaning to serve! Contrary to popular belief your pastor does not walk on water!

Problem #8 ~ Contemporary Christianity makes us believe we don’t have to give up anything to follow Christ. We don’t have to make any sacrifices, “God will accept you just as you are”

In part two of this piece we will examine the Bible to see where each of these problems is indeed a problem because they have no foundation in God’s Word. God has left for us, in his word, what he is looking for from us:


Monday, September 14, 2009

Pimps in the pulpit: Part 3

Matthew 7:15; Acts 20:28; Micah 3:11

Problem #5 ~ The shepherds had no concern for the people, only for themselves

While these pulpit pimps are progressing up the ecclesiastical ladder by being promoted to bishop, archbishop and grand poobah; their congregations are left wondering where their pastor is!

These pimps:

o Butcher the Scriptures.

o Appeal to the flesh.

o Present flash and dash in place of solid meat (The Word of God)

o Promote themselves shamelessly.

These are not qualities you want in a under-shepherd. While these guys grapple for attention, who can have the biggest, who can have the most, who can be more popular, the sheep are being scattered.

Nowhere in the Bible does a “bishop” have higher ranking than an elder, In the Bible bishop and elder are synonymous terms. Scripture shows a plurality of elders in the local church. These elders are of equal footing and are to keep watch over each other, but not some “bishop” over “elders” or some “bishop of bishops” a pastor with more than one church.

Problem #6 ~ these shepherd were harsh and brutal in their rule.

Harsh and brutal ruling does not work well with sheep. Sheep are not driven like cattle, or horses. It takes a different tactic to move sheep. The Bible says a driven type mentality is not what God is looking for from his under shepherds.

There are three things God wants his under shepherds to be aware of:

1. Laziness:

o 1 Corinthians 9:16 ~ the urgency of the call should ward off laziness.

o Romans 1:15 ~ the urgency of the task called to should ward off laziness.

2. Dishonest finances:

o 2 Peter 2:1-3 ~ do not use the position of Pastor for dishonest gain!

o 1 Timothy 3:3, 6:9-11 ~ money should not be the pastor’s motivation!

o Titus 1:7 ~ again if money is the motivation, something is wrong!

o Micah 3:11 ~ this was a problem even in the Old Testament!

2a. Before I leave the subject of finances I must show the Scriptures teaching on the Pastor being compensated for his services:

o 1 Corinthians 9:7-14 ~ yes, the man of God should be paid!

o 1 Timothy 5:17-18 ~ yes, the man of God should be paid and paid well!

So what are we saying with point 2 and 2a. It seems like a contradiction. One thing sums it all up that will determine if he is truly an under shepherd or a hireling: What’s his motivation for the pastorate? If it is the paycheck he will move on soon as someone offers him a bigger check!

3. Demagoguery(lording over the people)

o Matthew 20:25-28 ~ Servant hood in the church is not the same as in the world.

o 1 Timothy 4:12 ~ be an example before the flock.

o 1 Corinthians 11:1 ~ being followers as the leaders follow Christ means if they are not doing what Christ would do DON’T FOLLOW THEM!

Conclusion: Know what God is looking for from his leaders:

o Acts 20:28 ~ feed the flock

o Matthew 20:25-28 ~ serve the flock

o James 1:27 ~ show some care and concern for the flock

o Psalm 23 ~ foster a loving, caring, and providing relationship with the flock

o 1 Corinthians 9:16 ~ develop a “woe” when it comes to not doing the task called to

o Micah 3:11 ~ have the right motivation for ministry

Look for no less than what God is looking for in your leader!

Prayer: Father we give you praise, glory, and honor; you alone are worthy to be praised! Help us in our Christian walk to set our sights in line with yours when it comes to the Christian life. Lead us, as our great shepherd, to the under shepherds you have appointed. Men and women who, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, can help us to be all you would have us to be to the praise and glory of your name! In Christ’s magnificent name we pray, Amen!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pimps in the pulpit: Part 2

Matthew 7:15; Acts 20:28

Let us look at an Old Testament passage that illustrates what God is looking for from his under shepherds. Look at the passage below and we will point out the problems God had with the men in question.

o Ezekiel 34:1-6 ~ now let’s examine what God pointed out as problems

1. Instead of looking out for the flock these shepherds looked out only for themselves.

2. Instead of feeding the flock these shepherds fed on the flock.

3. There was no care or concern for the poor, elderly, sick, and widows.

4. There was no concern for sheep that were lost.

5. They did not care what happened to the people as long as they, as leaders, had all their own personal needs met.

6. They were harsh and brutal in their rule.

In order to look at this passage in context let’s look at a few New Testament passages then compare all with what we see today.

o Acts 20:28 ~ the Apostle Paul’s farewell address to the Elders at Ephesus.

o 1 Peter 5:1-4 ~ how the man of God is to lead.

o 1Timothy 3:1-7 ~ the Biblical qualifications for the man of God.

Some things I think we should note:

o Nowhere in these passages does the text say the man/woman of God should be perfect. If that were the case we would have no men/women of God!

o It is clear from these passages that there is a standard of conduct God is looking for from his leaders.

o If men/women were not able to attain these standards; why would God leave them for us?

o As a member you should make sure your leaders fit the Biblical profile, not your own personal profile.

Now let’s break down these passages and see what we can glean from the problems God pointed out:

o Ezekiel 34:1-6

Problem #1 ~ God said the shepherds were more concerned with themselves than the people.

The life of a servant is one of sacrifice: the people of God that the man of God has been placed into his watch care should command his utmost attention. Matthew 20:25-28~Christ, the man of God’s example said he came to minister (serve) not to be ministered to (to be served)

Today: People are taught to cater to the pastor; it should be the reverse!

Problem#2 ~ Instead of feeding the flock God said the shepherds were feeding on the flock.

In the Acts 20:28 passage the Apostle Paul told the elders at Ephesus tofeed the church which God had purchased with his own bloodThe man/woman of God’s primary objective is to feed (teach) the church not to be fed (get rich) off the church.

Today: While the Scriptures make it clear those who labor in the Word should be supported for their efforts; Nothing in the Word says they should live extravagantly especially while members are left to fend for themselves.

Problem #3 ~ there was no care or concern for the poor, elderly, and the widows.

James says pure and undefiled religion before God is the very things we are not doing: James 1:27

Look what Christ said which is striking when compared to what we see today: Matthew 25:37-45

The primary purpose for using the shepherd/sheep analogy is because sheep need a shepherd; one who will feed them, look out for them, and care for them. The sheep cannot do these things on their own.

Today: Men/women of God need to shrink back from the celebrity status they have acquired and seek the role of a servant God said we are.

Problem #4 ~ God said there was no concern for those who are lost.

Please notice these sheep are lost among the herd! How many people are lost who go to church every Sunday because the shepherds are concerned only with self? The great commission says we are to go!

Matthew 28:19-20. If we are to seek those on the outside then we certainly cannot allow them to be lost once they have been brought into the fold!

Today: We need to foster a relationship that David said he had with the Lord: Psalm 23

The shepherd today needs lead, comfort, feed, and protect them that God has placed in their care!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pimps in the pulpit: Part 1

Matthew 7:15

This piece is going to cause some problems; I know this from the start. Never the less it is something that needs to be said. I do not want to come across as judgmental I just want to compare what we see in our churches in the area of leadership with the Word of God.

To classify one as a pimp we must allow God’s word to define for us what a true man or woman of God is! False teachers are false according to the ways and revelation of the Lord. The Bible tells us what to do in the area of false teachers, and preachers: John 4:1

The best way to guard yourself against falsehood and false teachers is to know the truth. To spot a counterfeit, study the real thing; therefore, one should study the Bible and judge all teaching by what the Scripture says.

Preachers and teachers are not the only ones God is revealing his word to. Unfortunately we believe false teachers are always going to be on TV or in some other country while not understanding false teachers are right in our midst. Let’s examine a few questions that may arise:

1. 1 Chronicles 16:22 ~ what about when God says “touch not mine anointed”?

a. If he’s a false teacher he is not God’s anointed.

2. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 ~ he looks like a preacher, and he sounds like a preacher, he must be a preacher; right?

a. Satan knows what preachers look like and sound like also.

3. Philippians 3:17:17-19 ~ The preacher is a man first; so what if he lives a sin filled life

a. Preachers are called to uphold a high standard by God. False teachers are not those who have made a mistake; they are those who have adopted a sub-standard lifestyle and are comfortable with it.

4. Matthew 7:1 ~ doesn’t the Bible say we are not to judge?

a. The word “judge” in this verse means to “condemn” the apostle Paul says “he who is spiritual judgeth all things.” 1 Corinthians 2:15

Christ said we know trees by the fruit they produce: Matthew 12:33. Let’s look at some fruit we should be looking for:

o What he says about Jesus:

1. Matthew 16:15-16

2. 2 John 9

3. 1 John 2:22

o Is he preaching the Gospel?

1. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

2. Galatians 1:7-9

o Does he live a life that lines up with Scripture?

1. Jude 11

2. Matthew 7:15-20

3. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15

When a man or woman of God fleeces the flock, and is more concerned with what they can get rather than what they can give it is a sure thing we have a pimp in the pulpit!

We are servants of God to serve the people. Servant in the Greek is:

Greek Strong's Number: 1401

Greek Word: δοῦλος

Transliteration: doulos

Phonetic Pronunciation:doo'-los

Root: from

Cross Reference: TDNT - 2:261,182

Part of Speech: n

Vine's Words: Bondman, Bondmaid, Servant

from (deo); a slave (literal or figurative, involuntary or voluntary; frequently therefore in a qualified sense of subjection or subserviency) :- bond (-man), servant.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Prioritizing God

Prioritizing God

Most Christians would agree that God should occupy first place in our lives; but does he really? A short survey would quickly conclude that even “Christians” have allowed other things\people to occupy first place in their lives. Let’s look at the list:

1. Self

2. Mate (Husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, significant other)

3. Children

4. Job

5. House

6. Car

7. Stuff

8. Church

9. Church folk

10. The pastor

11. What people think (especially non Christians)

12. Other________(You fill in the blank) be truthful; this is the only way you can be set free!

While all of the things on the list have their place in our lives, God alone should occupy first place in our lives. Let’s allow God’s word to prove the point:

o Isaiah 8:12-14 ~ Fear God only

o Exodus 20:3 ~ The first commandment

o Matthew 22:37-38 ~ Of all 613 commandments listed by Jewish leaders from the law of Moses, Jesus identified “the first and great commandment

A lot of Christians will think they are safe because Satan is not first on their list “any one or thing other than Satan is ok” right? Wrong! Satan’s take on the subject, because he knows how God views it is this: “Anything or anyone other than God as the primary object of our love will suffice for Satan.” He does not need to be first as long as God is not!

Let’s look at some Scriptural examples of putting God first:

o Joshua 24:14-15 ~ the people said, as a group, they would put God first. Their actions (putting away the false gods) would be proof of their commitment to put God first.

o Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 ~ Solomon, a man who had it all, says this is the whole duty of man

o Matthew 10:37-39 ~ Look at what Christ has to say on the subject

o 2 Timothy 4:6-8 ~ the apostle Paul talks about a lifetime of putting God first after his conversion.

o John 15:4-8 ~ putting God first is how we get what we need from God (not name it and claim it)

Is committing to anything a foreign concept for us? Look at some of the things we do in life that say we are committed to what we want to be committed to:

o We take out a 30 year mortgage on a house. We signed many papers assuring that we realize the commitment we have made.

o We go to work for an employer and a commitment is involved. We are going to be there on time, ready to work the committed hours. We are going to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay.

o We marry someone ~ a lifelong commitment. We are going to love one another, labor together, trust and honor one another, “until death do us part.”

Why not being committed to God (especially since being committed to God will enable us to keep the other commitments) John 15:5

Finally: There is no commitment without sacrifice!

o God’s commitment to us was displayed in the sacrifice of his son! John 3:16

o Our commitment should be displayed by our willingness to sacrifice! Romans 12:1-2

o Our worship services need to center on God, not entertainment! Psalm 150:1-6

o When the best part of our worship service is the dismissal prayer, it's like NASA “we have a problem.”

Prayer: Eternal God our heavenly father, again we come to you with praise on our lips

because you are worthy. I pray we understand the importance of putting you first in our lives

No one else can occupy that position, no one else is worthy! I pray that Christians re-prioritize

our lives and put you in your rightful place; first in our lives! I pray that any non-Christian

who does this study, and all that follow, will realize they need you. In Christ's magnificent

name we pray, amen!