Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Problems With Contemporary Christianity: Part 4

The Church should be a place where miracles happen and God is worshipped; not an entertainment center!

Problem #6 ~ Contemporary Christianity has caused our churches to become entertainment centers:
In an attempt to rid the church of boredom, we have sunk to a level of worship that is more entertainment than life transforming. People find worship boring and irrelevant because there is no sense of God in it, and they have not been taught who God is. THE INTENSITY OF YOUR WORSHIP IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE INTENSITY OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!
There is a variety of human responses to the sense of the presence of God:
o Some people tremble in terror, falling with their face to the ground.
o Some weep in mourning.
o Some are exuberant in joy.
o Some are reduced to silence.
The one thing you will never find in scripture is someone who is bored in the presence of God. Yet in order to fight boredom the church has involved itself with entertaining rather than inspiring! Let’s make a few key points here:
o Worship is a natural instinct and a basic need for every person. We were
made to worship! We just need to learn that worship should be directed
toward God and not each other!
1. Matthew 4:10 ~ only God is to be worshipped
2. Acts 18:12-13 ~ the Apostle Paul was brought up on charges he was teaching men to worship God
o God is the focus of our devotion in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
1. Exodus 20:2-3
2. Isaiah 6:1-5
3. Isaiah 42:8
4. Revelation 19:10 ~ even angels would not allow man to worship them.
5. 1 Corinthians 14:25
6. Romans 12:1, 2 ~ worship not only with lip service, but with our lifestyle as well
7. Matthew 4:10 ~ only God is to be worshipped
o God alone is worthy of our devotion, praise and worship
1. Psalm 96:9
2. Psalm 29:2
3. John 4:23 ~ worship in spirit and truth
4. Deuteronomy 6:5 ~ worship God with the totality of our being

Here is the problem with Contemporary Christianity; EVERYONE GETS THE SAME PRAISE WE GIVE TO GOD!
1. The preacher comes in: we stand and clap
2. The choir sings: we stand and clap
3. We give an honor to God, and the pastor, and the deacons, and the saints.
4. Someone says “give God a praise” we clap and we might stand
Question: HOW DOES EVERYONE MERIT THE SAME PRAISE AS GOD? It is no wonder the church lacks the power Christ said we could have when we have made everyone equal to God.
Whatever praise we give to God no one else should receive that praise! Because on one else is worthy!
When we clap after the choir sings what is the reason? They sang good, made us feel good, it was a good number, we liked the choreography. Choirs do not entertain, they LEAD in the worship experience so everyone should sing and when we finish give God ALL the praise!
I believe the man of God should be honored; the Bible says so:
1Timothy 5:17. This verse is mainly talking about pay. So even though the man of God should be honored certainly not the same praise and honor God receives!
o We modify doctrine in order to accommodate the people: THE RESULT IS WE JUST MADE THE PEOPLE GOD!
o If God’s will is transferred to “feelings” and “leadings,” then Scripture is unnecessary; ALL WE DO MUST BE BASED ON THE WORD OF GOD
o God destroyed the attempt at Babel to unite men together to oppose His government: ALL THAT IS NOT OF GOD HE DOES NOT ENDORSE; THIS MIGHT EXPLAIN THE LACK OF POWER IN THE CHURCH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see what you mean about giving God and man the same praise. That is a huge problem