Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yeshua or Jesus: Does it matter what we call him? Part 1

Some of the things we will examine in this study:

  1. Understanding "name" from a Hebrew perspective
  2. The Hebrew word "shem"
  3. Is Yahweh really concerned with what we call him?
  4. The origin of the name "Jesus"
I want to start this blog off by making a statement that a lot of Christians do not know or fully understand: The Bibles that we hold in our hands are not the original writings, they are translations of the originals.

If this truth is not understood then a lot of things we study in our Bible will be lost in our interpretation. We simply will not be able to understand.
Since this post deal with Christ's name I will be using his real name "Yeshua" and God's real name "Yahweh" You have to determine based on a study in the word which names you will use.
The fact that our Bibles are translations is why we have this command in the Bible:

  1. 2 Timothy 2:15 ~ We must study our Bibles and not just read them!
A "translation" is taking a document from one language and changing it to another language. Whenever this is done there are always some terms in one language which do not always line up with the other language so translators have to come as close as possible to the original.

When we read the following verses we need to understand the writers are not talking about our modern day translations but they were talking about the original writings:

  1. 2 Timothy 3:16 ~ "Inspired" means Yahweh breathed
  2. 2 Peter 1:20, 21 ~ What went into the original writings was givin to the men by the Holy Spirit.
The original writings were true to the letter! The men Yahweh used spoke the languages they wrote as well as the people they were writing to so there was no need for an interpretor or translator.

All but a few sections of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew, the language of the Jews. A few passages in the Old Testament were written in Aramaic, a similar language the Jews picked up when they were exiled to Babylon.

After twenty-some-year-old Alexander the Great swept through the Middle East in the early 300s B.C. Greek became the prevailing language.

An Egyptian King decided to create a new holding for his renowned library in Alexandria. As legend has it he asked the High Priest in Jerusalem to loan him 70 top scholars who would translate the five revered books of Moses into Greek. The result of the first Bible translation became known as the Septuagant, meaning "the translation of the 70" Over the next hundred years or so the rest of the Hebrew Bible was added. When New Testament writers later quoted the Old Testament thet quoted it from this Greek translation.

Rome destroyed Jerusalem in A.D. 70 and left the Jews with no temple for offering animal sacrifices. So the Jews began to offer sacrifices of praise and prayer by reading from their sacred writings. The problem was the Jews had a wide array of sacred books.
No one knows when or how the Jews settled on the books that made up their TANAKH, Bible, which Christians call the Old Testament. The five books of Moses, known as the TORAH, books of the Law, were probably among the first ones widely accepted. The books of the Prophets likely came next followed by books known as the writings: The Psalms, Proverbs, and others.

We need to take the time to make sure we understand these facts because they factor into our interpretation when dealing with Yahweh's name or anyhting else we study in the Scripture for that matter.
As we develop our understanding of "translation" we need also to develop our understanding of "name" among the Hebrew people. Why the Hebrew people you ask; because the Bible was originally written to them. The Hebrew word for name "shem" pronounced shame means more than what one is called by: allow me to illustrate

When we see "King David" we see the word "king" as a title and the word "David" as a name in our Western mindset a title describes a character trait while a name is simply the identifier. In the Hebrew language and culture there is no such distinction between names and titles. Both word "king" and "David" are descriptions of character traits: "king" is "one who reigns" and "David" is "one who is loved"
It is also common to identify the word "Elohiym" (God) as a title and YHWH (Yahweh, the Lord) as a name. What we do not realize is both of these are character traits: YHWH meaning "the one who exists" and Elohiym is "one who has power and authority"

The Hebrew word shem more literally means "character" when the Bible speaks of taking Yahweh's name to the nations it is not just talking about what he is called but his character. When we are commanded not to take Yahweh's name in vain it means to not misrepresent his character.
It is similar to our expression of "having a good name" which is not about the name itself but the person with the name.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Contemporary Christianity: Part 5

Removing Christ from Christianity
Problem #7 ~ Contemporary Christianity has caused the church to focus on the wrong kind of growth:

A church can grow one of two ways:
1. Growth in numbers
2. Growth spiritually
Contemporary Christianity has made numbers more important than spiritual growth. While preachers are busy seeing who can have the largest congregation, the people are not being fed the word of God. What number can a minister “effectively” minister to? I am not talking about preaching the word I am talking about “ministering” to. The church is not struggling because of the lack of preaching it is the lack of ministry.
Because “entertainment” draws people we opt to entertain at the expense of ministering!
NEWS FLASH ~ you are not supposed to feel good every Sunday that you leave the church. If you have some known and un confessed sin in your life, and the proper ministering is going on you will be convicted by the Holy Spirit. Since most people do not like being convicted and being made to feel bad, to make sure you don’t leave we sink to the level of entertaining to make you feel good so you’ll stay.
You cannot be all that God would have you to be if you are not being fed God’s word: The Bible!
o 1 Peter 2:2 ~ there has to be a hunger for the word of God
o 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 ~ Proper study will cause us to grow into the deep things of God
o 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 ~ The deep things of God are available to you; IF YOU WANT THEM
o Matthew 18:19, 20 ~ It only takes a few for the Lord to be in the midst.
o 2 Peter 3:18 ~ we are supposed to be growing spiritually!
o John 8:31, 32 ~ It is the word that will make you free
o 2 Peter 1:3-8 ~ God has given us all we need to grow spiritually
Are you growing spiritually? Spiritual growth includes:
o Increasing in your knowledge and understanding of God's Word
o Decreasing in your frequency and severity of sin
o Increasing in your practice of Christ-like qualities
o Increasing in your faith and trust in God.
How do we grow spiritually?
o When we read and apply God's Word to our life: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
o When we walk in the Spirit: Galatians 5:16-18, 24-26
o When we rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us in everything we do: Romans 6:11-14
o When we do what the word says:
James 1:23-25
_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Spiritual growth occurs when Christ is on the throne in our lives and not self!_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Problem #8 ~ Contemporary Christianity has made celebrities out of our ministers
What a contradiction since the word “minister” comes from a word meaning to serve! Contrary to popular belief your pastor does not walk on water!
o The New Testament places strong emphasis on imitating leaders.
1. Hebrews 13:7
2. Philippians 3:17
3. 1 Timothy 1:16
4. 1 Peter 5:3
Is your Pastor one you would want to imitate? He should be!
o The New Testament lets us know ministers are servants:
1. Acts 20:28
2. 2 Timothy 2:19-24
2 Timothy 4:2, 5
4. Mark 10:45 ~ Christ our example

Make sure your pastor does not have this book in his library
Problem #9 ~ Contemporary Christianity makes us believe we don’t have to give up anything to follow Christ.
We don’t have to make any sacrifices, “God will accept you just as you are” Some sacrifices we must make:

1. Hebrews 13:9-16 ~ The sacrifice of praise
2. Luke 14:26 ~ Christ has to be first in our lives
3. Matthew 6:33 ~ Forsaking all else and seeking the Kingdom first brings blessings
4. Psalm 51:17 ~ Total brokenness before God
Prayer: Father in heaven; help us to conform to your way of thinking and not what is popular. Give us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church and a heart to be obedient to what has been revealed. The end result being our lives lived in such a way that you are glorified and praised!
Our next post we will deal with the subject " Yashua or Jesus" does it matter what we call him?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Problems With Contemporary Christianity: Part 4

The Church should be a place where miracles happen and God is worshipped; not an entertainment center!

Problem #6 ~ Contemporary Christianity has caused our churches to become entertainment centers:
In an attempt to rid the church of boredom, we have sunk to a level of worship that is more entertainment than life transforming. People find worship boring and irrelevant because there is no sense of God in it, and they have not been taught who God is. THE INTENSITY OF YOUR WORSHIP IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE INTENSITY OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!
There is a variety of human responses to the sense of the presence of God:
o Some people tremble in terror, falling with their face to the ground.
o Some weep in mourning.
o Some are exuberant in joy.
o Some are reduced to silence.
The one thing you will never find in scripture is someone who is bored in the presence of God. Yet in order to fight boredom the church has involved itself with entertaining rather than inspiring! Let’s make a few key points here:
o Worship is a natural instinct and a basic need for every person. We were
made to worship! We just need to learn that worship should be directed
toward God and not each other!
1. Matthew 4:10 ~ only God is to be worshipped
2. Acts 18:12-13 ~ the Apostle Paul was brought up on charges he was teaching men to worship God
o God is the focus of our devotion in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
1. Exodus 20:2-3
2. Isaiah 6:1-5
3. Isaiah 42:8
4. Revelation 19:10 ~ even angels would not allow man to worship them.
5. 1 Corinthians 14:25
6. Romans 12:1, 2 ~ worship not only with lip service, but with our lifestyle as well
7. Matthew 4:10 ~ only God is to be worshipped
o God alone is worthy of our devotion, praise and worship
1. Psalm 96:9
2. Psalm 29:2
3. John 4:23 ~ worship in spirit and truth
4. Deuteronomy 6:5 ~ worship God with the totality of our being

Here is the problem with Contemporary Christianity; EVERYONE GETS THE SAME PRAISE WE GIVE TO GOD!
1. The preacher comes in: we stand and clap
2. The choir sings: we stand and clap
3. We give an honor to God, and the pastor, and the deacons, and the saints.
4. Someone says “give God a praise” we clap and we might stand
Question: HOW DOES EVERYONE MERIT THE SAME PRAISE AS GOD? It is no wonder the church lacks the power Christ said we could have when we have made everyone equal to God.
Whatever praise we give to God no one else should receive that praise! Because on one else is worthy!
When we clap after the choir sings what is the reason? They sang good, made us feel good, it was a good number, we liked the choreography. Choirs do not entertain, they LEAD in the worship experience so everyone should sing and when we finish give God ALL the praise!
I believe the man of God should be honored; the Bible says so:
1Timothy 5:17. This verse is mainly talking about pay. So even though the man of God should be honored certainly not the same praise and honor God receives!
o We modify doctrine in order to accommodate the people: THE RESULT IS WE JUST MADE THE PEOPLE GOD!
o If God’s will is transferred to “feelings” and “leadings,” then Scripture is unnecessary; ALL WE DO MUST BE BASED ON THE WORD OF GOD
o God destroyed the attempt at Babel to unite men together to oppose His government: ALL THAT IS NOT OF GOD HE DOES NOT ENDORSE; THIS MIGHT EXPLAIN THE LACK OF POWER IN THE CHURCH!

Monday, October 5, 2009

The problems wih Contemporary Christianity: Part 3

Removing Christ from Christianity

In the third part of this series we will look at problems 2-4 and see if the Bible sheds some insight! Remember to search the Scriptures and do the word studies; It is not what I say that's important but what God's word says!

Problem #2 ~ Christians bragging about the love of Jesus with little regard for doctrinal integrity or holiness:

This next problem we will discuss is a very common one in modern day Christendom. How can we claim to know God and be a Christian (Christ like) if we do not do what he says in his word? A Christian is not what we say it is or even what the church says it is! The standard is the word of God:

Let’s first define “Christian”

Strong’s #5546

Christianos (khris-tee-an-os'); from NT:5547; a Christian, i.e. follower of Christ:

KJV - Christian.

(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

So it is clear from the definition that a “Christian” is one who follows Christ or whose life reflects Christ! When it comes to living our lives as Christians we can truly ask the question; what would Jesus do? (wwJd) So what does Christ say about following him?

o John 14:15 ~ If we love him we’ll do what he says

o John 15:10 ~ We show that we abide in his love by doing what he says

o 1 Peter 1:16 ~ Because God is holy he is looking for holiness from his followers

o Ephesians 5:1-7 ~ Be followers of God and have no fellowship with those who are not

o Matthew 15:8, 9 ~ Christ is looking for more than lip service, and teaching that does not exalt man

The definition is clear that we cannot live in sin and be a Christian. Contemporary Christianity allows for such activity by not dealing with the sin issue. As a result we think we can live any way we want and still receive God’s blessing.

Again let’s look at Ephesians 5:1-5:

o Verse 3

1. But fornication ~ NT:4202 porneia (por-ni'-ah); from NT:4203; harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively, idolatry:

2. all uncleanness ~ NT:167 akatharsia (ak-ath-ar-see'-ah); from NT:169; impurity (the quality), physically or morally:

3. covetousness ~ NT:4124 pleonexia (pleh-on-ex-ee'-ah); from NT:4123; avarice, i.e. (by implication) fraudulency, extortion:

Let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;

o Verse 4

1. Neither filthiness ~ NT:151 aischrotes (ahee-skhrot'-ace); from NT:150; shamefulness, i.e. obscenity:

2. foolish talking ~ NT:3473 morologia (mo-rol-og-ee'-ah); from a compound of NT:3474 and NT:3004; silly talk, i.e. buffoonery:

3. jesting ~ NT:2160 eutrapelia (yoo-trap-el-ee'-ah); from a compound of NT:2095 and a derivative of the base of NT:5157 (meaning well-turned, i.e. ready at repartee, jocose); witticism, i.e. (in a vulgar sense) ribaldry:

which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

o Verse 5

1. no whoremonger ~ NT:4205 pornos (por'-nos); from pernemi (to sell; akin to the base of NT:4097); a (male) prostitute (as venal), i.e. (by analogy) a debauchee (libertine):

2. unclean person ~ NT:169 akathartos (ak-ath'-ar-tos); from NT:1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of NT:2508 (meaning cleansed); impure (ceremonially, morally [lewd] or specially, [demonic]):

3. covetous man ~ NT:4123 pleonektes (pleh-on-ek'-tace); from NT:4119 and NT:2192; holding (desiring) more, i.e. eager for gain (avaricious, hence a defrauder):

4. an idolater ~ NT:1496 eidololatres (i-do-lol-at'-race); from NT:1497 and the base of NT:3000; an image- servant or) worshipper (literally or figuratively):

In the kingdom of Christ and of God

Problem #3 ~ Christians exalting feelings over faith as their criterion for both doctrine and practice in life.

When we “feel” pain it is our body’s way of telling us something is wrong. In this instance it is okay to respond to how we feel. This is not always the case spiritually. Listen to the Apostle Paul in this area:

1 Corinthians 10:23 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

Just because a thing may “feel” right or even be legal does not necessarily mean it is something we should be engaged in as a child of God. What then is the determining factor?

o If the feelings are moved or motivated by the flesh, we should not only refuse to be guided by them, but we should consciously make the decision not to entertain in our minds any thoughts related to them.

1. Romans 7:18 ~ there is nothing good in our flesh

2. Galatians 5:17 ~ the flesh and the spirit are at war with each other

3. Galatians 4:14 ~ our temptations appeal to the flesh

o If the feelings are moved by agape love, we should be guided by them knowing that if agape love(the God kind of love) is the motivation then Yahweh will be pleased:

1. 1 Corinthians 13 ~ Love should be the motivating factor behind everything we do

2. John 14:23 ~ Christ said if we loved him we would obey him

3. 1 John 3:16 ~ this has nothing to do with how we feel

These verses make it clear that we cannot be led by our feelings!

Problem #4 ~ Contemporary Christianity seeks to please man rather than pleasing God!

One of the major problems with Contemporary Christianity is the exaltation of man. Man has been placed front and center which violates Yahweh’s word:

o Exodus 20:3 ~ anything or anyone placed ahead of Yahweh violates the first commandment

o Isaiah 6:1-5 ~ People only become truly restored in themselves when they worship God; not man

o Romans 1:1 ~ “Paul a servant”

o Titus 1:1 ~ “Paul a servant”

o James 1:1 ~ “James a servant”

o 2 Peter 1:1 ~ “Peter a servant”

o Jude 1:1 ~ “Jude the servant”

These men did not consider themselves “celebrities” but servants! Preachers today need to lose the celebrity status that people have heaped on them and assume the role of servants which is what Yahweh called us to be; look at Christ’s example:

Matthew 20:28 ~ Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

The word “minister” is strong’s #1247 and it means:

diakoneo (dee-ak-on-eh'-o); from NT:1249; to be an attendant, i.e. wait upon (menially or as a host, friend, or [figuratively] teacher); techn. to act as a Christian deacon:

True ministers wait on the people, not the people wait on the minister!

Yahweh releases His power and His glory to us in proportion to our worship; if we are busy worshipping man it is no wonder the church lacks the power Christ said we should have:

o Matthew 28:16-20 ~ the great commission was given in the midst of worshipping the Christ

o Acts 2:1-13 ~ The church received power during a worship service, not the proclaiming of the gospel

The worship of the Lord releases the power, which leads to, the pathway and the purpose of what He wants to do in His Church:

o Acts 13

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The problems wih Contemporary Christianity: Part 2

Removing Christ from Christianity

Let’s start this second part by putting Scripture with each of the problems we listed in part one. Remember we are right only if we are saying what the Word of God says. Always make sure you search the Scripture on all teaching you hear.

o Acts 17:11
Problem #1 ~ No Christ; No Christianity:
John 15:5 ~ Christ says without him we could do nothing.
o Ephesians 1:20-23 ~ Christ is at the Father’s right hand and is the head of the church.
o Ephesians 4:11-15 ~ The ministry gifts were given by God ( Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist,
Pastor/Teacher) for the purpose of growing the body around its head; The Christ
o What Contemporary Christianity has done is made man the center of everything and as a result
we are left with a church lacking the power Christ has said we should have!
o Colossians 2:8-10 ~ again Christ is the head and we are complete in Him!
o Matthew 16:15-18 ~ Christ says he will build His church and hell would not prevail; we are
building our churches and hell is prevailing.
These are but a few of the Scriptures which suggest for us that Christ is not a part of Christianity; without Christ there is no Christianity!
Until we remove man from the center of Christianity and put Christ back in his rightful place the church will continue to struggle in her effectiveness.
Let’s point out a few things which suggest man has in effect exalted himself to the throne and in doing so attempt to remove Christ from Christianity
1. Everything in Contemporary Christianity is designed to please man!
2. Our worship service in Contemporary Christianity is designed to please man; from the music that is played to how long we worship.
3. Have you noticed how a lot of the songs in Contemporary Christianity do not mention the name “Jesus?” If no one told you it was a “gospel” song you would not know it when you listen to it!
4. A word to anyone reading this blog and you are a gospel artist: IF YOUR “GOSPEL” SONG IS PLAYED ON SECULAR RADIO YOU ARE NOT GIVING GLORY TO GOD!
5. True worship to God is not a two hour affair as we have made it. Service starts at eleven and we come at twelve and will pitch a fit if service is not out by one! God has given us six days in the week and all he asks for is one, that is one day, not a couple of hours!
6. The music that is played should bring glory to God and not necessarily entertain! In worship we tell God how:
o Awesome he is
o Worthy he is
o Loving he is
o There is no one like Him
o We magnify His name
o We exalt Him
o Merciful he is
o Gracious he is
It is impossible to do this if we are singing songs that do not even mention his name!
7. True worship involves all that are present; we do not sit and watch a choir entertain and then clap for
them after they sing ( that’s giving the choir praise)
o We all sing
o We all praise
o We all lift holy hands
o Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Psalm 150:6

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The problems with Contemporary Christianity: Part 1

Removing Christ from Christianity

This is another one of those pieces which is going to cause some problems but the subject must be dealt with. “Contemporary Christianity” is so popular that some might dismiss the subject as antagonistic.

Again I challenge you to search the Scripture not only on this piece but everything we deal with on this blog! If the Holy Spirit does not convict you on the study then disregard it. However if the Holy Spirit does convict you then it is obvious some changes must be made.

The first thing we need to do is define “Contemporary Christianity.”

Contemporary = con·tem·po·rar·y ~ Adjective:

1. Belonging to the same period of time: a fact documented by two contemporary sources.

2. Of about the same age.

3. Current; modern: contemporary trends in design. (American Heritage Dictionary)

Christianity = the word means to be “like Christ.”

So then “Contemporary Christianity” is the constant modification of New Testament doctrine to:

o Attract the unsaved.

o Please the carnal Christians.

o Please the flesh.

o To be relatively acceptable to the world.

It must be our full intention to be the worshippers God is seeking – those who worship in spirit and in truth:

o John 4:22-24

With this definition let’s examine some of the problems with “Contemporary Christianity”, using the Bible as the basis for what we deem right or wrong. Remember everything must be based on what the Holy Spirit reveals to you in your study of God’s word, not what I or any other preacher might say to you!

Problem #1~ without the Christ you have no Christianity; “Contemporary Christianity” in a very subtle manner tries to remove Christ while God has made Christ the center of everything!

Problem #2 ~ Christians bragging about the love of Jesus with little regard for doctrinal integrity or holiness.

Problem #3 ~ Christians exalting feelings over faith as their criterion for both doctrine and practice in life.

Problem #4 ~ Contemporary Christianity seeks to please man rather than pleasing God!

Problem #5 ~ Christians revolting against strong Bible preaching and condemning it as arrogant and negative.

Problem #5 ~ Contemporary Christianity has caused our churches to become entertainment centers rather than place where miracles happen, lives can be saved, people can be encouraged, and God can be glorified!

Problem #6 ~ Contemporary Christianity has caused the church to focus on the wrong kind of growth: A church can grow one of two ways:

1. Growth in numbers

2. Growth spiritually

Because you have number one does not follow that you will have number two.

Problem #7 ~ Contemporary Christianity has made celebrities out of our ministers; and what a contradiction since the word “minister” comes from a word meaning to serve! Contrary to popular belief your pastor does not walk on water!

Problem #8 ~ Contemporary Christianity makes us believe we don’t have to give up anything to follow Christ. We don’t have to make any sacrifices, “God will accept you just as you are”

In part two of this piece we will examine the Bible to see where each of these problems is indeed a problem because they have no foundation in God’s Word. God has left for us, in his word, what he is looking for from us:


Monday, September 14, 2009

Pimps in the pulpit: Part 3

Matthew 7:15; Acts 20:28; Micah 3:11

Problem #5 ~ The shepherds had no concern for the people, only for themselves

While these pulpit pimps are progressing up the ecclesiastical ladder by being promoted to bishop, archbishop and grand poobah; their congregations are left wondering where their pastor is!

These pimps:

o Butcher the Scriptures.

o Appeal to the flesh.

o Present flash and dash in place of solid meat (The Word of God)

o Promote themselves shamelessly.

These are not qualities you want in a under-shepherd. While these guys grapple for attention, who can have the biggest, who can have the most, who can be more popular, the sheep are being scattered.

Nowhere in the Bible does a “bishop” have higher ranking than an elder, In the Bible bishop and elder are synonymous terms. Scripture shows a plurality of elders in the local church. These elders are of equal footing and are to keep watch over each other, but not some “bishop” over “elders” or some “bishop of bishops” a pastor with more than one church.

Problem #6 ~ these shepherd were harsh and brutal in their rule.

Harsh and brutal ruling does not work well with sheep. Sheep are not driven like cattle, or horses. It takes a different tactic to move sheep. The Bible says a driven type mentality is not what God is looking for from his under shepherds.

There are three things God wants his under shepherds to be aware of:

1. Laziness:

o 1 Corinthians 9:16 ~ the urgency of the call should ward off laziness.

o Romans 1:15 ~ the urgency of the task called to should ward off laziness.

2. Dishonest finances:

o 2 Peter 2:1-3 ~ do not use the position of Pastor for dishonest gain!

o 1 Timothy 3:3, 6:9-11 ~ money should not be the pastor’s motivation!

o Titus 1:7 ~ again if money is the motivation, something is wrong!

o Micah 3:11 ~ this was a problem even in the Old Testament!

2a. Before I leave the subject of finances I must show the Scriptures teaching on the Pastor being compensated for his services:

o 1 Corinthians 9:7-14 ~ yes, the man of God should be paid!

o 1 Timothy 5:17-18 ~ yes, the man of God should be paid and paid well!

So what are we saying with point 2 and 2a. It seems like a contradiction. One thing sums it all up that will determine if he is truly an under shepherd or a hireling: What’s his motivation for the pastorate? If it is the paycheck he will move on soon as someone offers him a bigger check!

3. Demagoguery(lording over the people)

o Matthew 20:25-28 ~ Servant hood in the church is not the same as in the world.

o 1 Timothy 4:12 ~ be an example before the flock.

o 1 Corinthians 11:1 ~ being followers as the leaders follow Christ means if they are not doing what Christ would do DON’T FOLLOW THEM!

Conclusion: Know what God is looking for from his leaders:

o Acts 20:28 ~ feed the flock

o Matthew 20:25-28 ~ serve the flock

o James 1:27 ~ show some care and concern for the flock

o Psalm 23 ~ foster a loving, caring, and providing relationship with the flock

o 1 Corinthians 9:16 ~ develop a “woe” when it comes to not doing the task called to

o Micah 3:11 ~ have the right motivation for ministry

Look for no less than what God is looking for in your leader!

Prayer: Father we give you praise, glory, and honor; you alone are worthy to be praised! Help us in our Christian walk to set our sights in line with yours when it comes to the Christian life. Lead us, as our great shepherd, to the under shepherds you have appointed. Men and women who, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, can help us to be all you would have us to be to the praise and glory of your name! In Christ’s magnificent name we pray, Amen!